January 2018 | Point of View

Why I've chosen to stop being a silent feminist

Why I've chosen to stop being a silent feminist

For days I had been anticipating “the moment.” The celebrities I follow on Instagram had been highlighting the Times Up campaign and the intention to wear black to the infamous awards ceremony. I was invigorated by the solidarity demonstrated by the powerful Hollywood elite and I hoped for “a moment” that would grab the headlines and push the conversation forward on equality.

I am a feminist. A silent feminist. I have been silently watching a movement. In my own quiet approach, I have been spending time with others around me – those who share my ideals and concerns, but also too paralyzed to speak, so together we watched. We watched the awakening of voices, young and old, since January last year.

I did not join the millions of women who took to the streets of America to peacefully protest the imbalance of power and equality. I was struck with admiration as people who had never joined a protest took to the streets to demonstrate their demands for a better world. I watched and I waited.

I did not join the millions of women who took to the streets of America to peacefully protest the imbalance of power and equality. I was struck with admiration as people who had never joined a protest took to the streets to demonstrate their demands for a better world. I watched and I waited.

I have built quite the suit of armor after spending twenty years in the workforce, often in environments with a higher percentage of male colleagues and frequently in meetings where I am the only woman. The collection of my own experiences, often from much earlier in my career, left me with an empty feeling, anticipating what was inevitably around the corner. There will be a backlash. I thought, “When will society deem #metoo to have gone too far?” I’ve watched and waited; the backlash hasn’t followed. Instead, women are more empowered than ever before. What began as #metoo has morphed into #timesup and women with celebrity, reach, and riches are working collaboratively to create change.

And then I witnessed “the moment.” Oprah’s speech accepting the Cecil B DeMille award was inspired. She bellowed, “A new day is on the horizon” with passion and confidence. I felt she was talking directly to me. I will no longer watch and no longer wait. I want to be part of the seismic shift in momentum. I want to help ensure that new day is actually on the horizon.

If you are similar to me, you might be thinking, “What can I do when I want to get involved, but don’t have celebrity, reach, or riches?” To get started I’ve captured what I intend to do. 

Read the full article in Forbes. 


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