Global Life Sciences Company

Creating a data-driven sales engine unlocks $20 million in new revenue in six months

Creating a data-driven sales engine unlocks $20 million in new revenue in six months

$20 million

increase in revenue from drug sales over 6 months 


estimated hours saved annually per sales rep by delivering qualified leads  

4X - 5X

increase in patient enrollment from targeted healthcare professionals, creating a competitive advantage 

The challenge

Data issues limited our client’s sales performance. Lead generation was cumbersome because data was stored in various locations and required significant time to scrub and aggregate into meaningful insights. Sales reps at times received leads that weren’t applicable or relevant or opportunities had passed by the time they received new insight. Executives wanted to equip field teams with difference-making insight enabling effective, efficient engagement with healthcare professionals. That’s where we came in. 

Project Timeline

Discovery of current processes and constraints, and develop ideas for a more effective sales engine
Build the new sales engine
Assess user and executive feedback to optimize the sales engine
Enhance the solution with new capabilities and expand it across different product lines, generating more leads

An undeniably different approach 

Our multidisciplinary team produces the best results when they look at issues from a big picture. That’s what we did here, uniting our own life sciences, product engineering, data engineering, and operations experts with client stakeholders across business units. In just nine months, we:  

  • Analyzed sales operations and defined what a quality lead means for a sales representative, looking at how healthcare professional information is used during specific touchpoints in the sales process. 
  • Identified ways to make the sales process more data-driven, automated, and responsive to provide better results for sales teams and a better experience for their health care professionals. 
  • Created a new data-driven lead generation engine enabled by our modern data platform and powered by Databricks, that can ingest large amounts of data from across the company’s commercial landscape and automatically generate leads in Veeva via a custom integration. 

Our responsiveness and flexibility were critical to success. Our team used an agile development approach, providing brand and sales leaders with frequent demonstrations and incorporating their feedback. We continue to collaborate with the brand, data science, and data infrastructure teams to deliver new and valuable leads based on evolving priorities.

Real results

By acting to enable faster access to quality, accurate leads and expanding the types and volume of leads, our client has realized tangible financial value—$20 million in revenue within six months from drug sales attributed to this project. The company received four to five times more patient enrollments from targeted healthcare professionals, reflecting improvements in customer engagement and satisfaction. 

Sales teams now have the insights they need to efficiently interact with healthcare professionals and maximize their time, saving an estimated 150 hours annually in prospecting per sales rep.   

The options for growth are limitless. Our client now has a responsive and flexible sales engine that it can easily update to pursue and capture new market opportunities.

When it comes to improving sales enablement, there’s no time to waste.

Get in touch with our data—and Databricks—experts.

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