Andrew Gaeckle

Andrew Gaeckle

Senior Partner Technology & Experience Chicago


Always motivated to get results for his clients, Andrew completed a phased implementation of Salesforce CPQ for a Fortune 500 company. The organization’s complex pricing structures needed to be addressed, so they focused on quick wins and rapid value recognition. As a result of his solutions, quotes are getting to sales representatives faster than ever before: 90% of pricing requests are getting to the sales team within a day instead of nearly a week.

Andrew helps his clients with an approachable attitude. He is genuine in his actions and emotionally invests in his colleagues and clients. Though his approaches are generally pragmatic, he remains lighthearted and strongly believes in servant leadership.

Andrew joined West Monroe in 2015 when Etherios, a division of Digi International, was acquired. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Toledo and a master’s degree from Benedictine University.

What makes Andrew different

Andrew comes from a big family – he’s the youngest of seven siblings – and now has one of his own. He and his wife have been married for more than 20 years and have three sons and three golden retrievers. The family lives in the western suburbs of Chicago.

Where Andrew makes an impact

Andrew helps clients navigate complex, multi-phase programs by developing strategic road maps and business cases, assessing and prioritizing capabilities, designing more efficient processes, and delivering new technology to support those processes.

Meet the Technology & Experience team