Ben Snyder

Ben Snyder

Director Technology & Experience Chicago


Ben improves customer experience by focusing on the contact center – most recently, for a $2 billion healthcare system. In just one year, he and his team have turned a “bottom 25%” performing contact center into an industry leader. Along the way, they’ve nearly doubled the number of clinics served and reduced the speed to answer by 92%. The project has dramatically improved both employee engagement and patient experience scores and increased clinic revenue.  

He accomplishes such results by using customer insights and analytics to understand and segment the customer base, diagnose pain points, set attainable goals, and then execute. 

Ben interned with West Monroe in 2011 and then joined the firm full time following his graduation. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University – making him one of six Boilermakers in his immediate family. 

What makes Ben different

At work, Ben is known for challenging the status quo and instilling an outside-in perspective to designing business processes. He brings the qualities of fun and collaboration – but also accountability – to his teams.  

He enjoys traveling, skiing, grilling, and cheering on his favorite sports teams, including Purdue and the Indianapolis Colts.

Where Ben makes an impact

He thinks big but acts pragmatically, prioritizing action based on data and careful analysis. A member of the Customer Experience Professionals Association and a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP), he is committed to creating value for organizations and consumers by elevating experiences. 

Meet the Technology & Experience team