Eric DuBrow

Eric DuBrow

Partner Technology & Experience Chicago


A seasoned management and technology consultant, Eric focuses on helping clients define and execute business transformation engagements within the customer relationship management space as his clients battle for customer loyalty. He partnered with client executives to define, deliver, and justify a multi-year customer experience strategy aimed at modernizing the way in which the field workforce leveraged mobile technology. The goal of this initiative was to improve customer loyalty while also providing longer-term operational efficiency improvement. The business case associated with this project allowed the client to secure more than $5 million in funding to execute against this strategy, on a global scale.

Business leaders trust Eric’s advice on strategic planning, operations excellence, and business transformations that apply CRM and other technologies to deliver a differentiated experience for employees, customers, and business partners.

Eric is passionate about developing talent and building a culture that promotes professional growth and strong work/life balance.

Prior to joining West Monroe, Eric was a vice president and practice leader at Hitachi Consulting. He has a bachelor’s degree from Brandeis University and an MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.

What makes Eric different

From an early age, Eric has followed his heart. He grew up in Boston – as a Yankee fan. Today he is a husband and dad who enjoys family time, running, traveling and exploring new cultures and cuisines.

Where Eric makes an impact

Eric is actively involved in his sons’ local little league, setting a positive role model and teaching baseball fundamentals. He is still a Yankees fan.

Meet the Technology & Experience team