Global Life Sciences Company

Empowering a global life sciences company with new insights yields revenue growth, efficiency gains

Empowering a global life sciences company with new insights yields revenue growth, efficiency gains

Our impact 

A global life sciences company is growing rapidly through domestic and international expansion. The company must put the right insights in the hands of the right people at the right time to maximize sales potential and financial value. That’s where we come in. 

West Monroe has been at this company’s side for over five years—building and enhancing an analytics strategy and data platform so the organization can use insights to win. Our proprietary Mizu Accelerator enabled flexible, metadata-driven pipelines built on top of Databricks—a scalable and efficient data platform.  That’s led to greater revenue growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage.

$20 million

Increase in revenue from drug sales attributed to a new lead generation engine over 6 months


estimated decrease in effort required to add new data sources, leading to faster sales insight and results


potential cost reduction for the cloud environment by utilizing Databricks and other advanced technologies 

Learn how we’ve partnered for 5+ years to build a data strategy that increases their competitive advantage

Creating a data-driven sales engine unlocks $20 million in new revenue in six months 

Lack of data cohesion limited our client’s sales potential. We worked together to equip field sales teams with difference-making insight, enabling them to engage healthcare professionals when it matters most. At the core of our solution was a new data-driven lead generation engine enabled by a modern data platform, powered by Databricks.

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A modern data platform reduces data onboarding effort by 50%, enabling faster sales insight

Our client wanted to have every possible competitive edge—including a 360-degree view of healthcare professionals. Together, we made this possible by building a modern, cloud-based data platform that integrates seamlessly with Veeva and can ingest new data sources quickly as needs evolve. Our proprietary Mizu Databricks Accelerator made this possible in just a few months. 

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Adapting data management for international standards—live in 15+ countries in just 18 months

Our client was preparing to expand sales beyond the United States for the first time—targeting more than 15 countries over 18 months. We partnered to execute a robust data management strategy and processes that comply with international data and privacy requirements. Our work included adapting the company’s data platform for new regulations, while also serving as the organization’s international data team for the first year of global operations.

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If you’re ready to unlock new business insights, we have the key.

Learn more about how West Monroe builds data-driven businesses. 

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